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Peter is passionate about transformation and has shared his philosophies, learnings and strategies in countless speaking engagements to hundreds of thousands of leaders, on four continents.

High hopes are a precursor to high performance. To grow as a person and as a leader we must reject complacency and tap into the very best version of ourselves. The following content comes from Enixa, which aims to democratize transformation

A clear, pure business motive makes it easier to build commitment for employees. In conversation with Maxim Pasik, Executive Chairman of Watergen, we look at how leaders can increase trust between themselves and their workforce. “Secrets of the CEO” is a series of filmed conversations sponsored by VistaJet in partnership with

From 'Burning Platform' to 'Burning Ambition' This animation brings to life the 'Fire' metaphor; one of Dr Peter Fuda's seven metaphors for leadership transformation. It describes the motivational forces that initiate and sustain transformation efforts, including a burning platform and burning ambition, as well as personal and organizational reasons for change.

This is a 10 minute clip from Peter’s keynote at the Human Synergistics International Conference in Chicago, October 2017.  

Snowball of accountability Learn how leaders can build a snowball of mutual accountability and create unstoppable momentum.

Mask: How leaders conceal imperfections and adopt a persona Learn how leaders can drop their mask and embrace a more authentic approach to leadership.